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MACE and the JEDI (AGEN KOLAR, KIT FISTO, AND SAESEE TIIN) are preparing to board a JEDI GUNSHIP to the CHANCELLOR's office. ANAKIN enters the hangar.
ANAKIN: Master Windu, I must talk to you.
MACE WiNDU: What is it, Skywalker? We are in a hurry. We have just received word that Obi-Wan has destroyed General Grievous. We are on our way to make sure the Chancellor returns emergency powers back to the Senate.
ANAKIN: He won't give up his power. I've just learned a terrible truth. I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord.
MACE WINDU: A Sith Lord?
ANAKIN: Yes. The one we have been looking for.
MACE WiNDU: How do you know this?
ANAKIN: He knows the ways of the Force. He has been trained to use the dark side.
MACE WiNDU: Are you sure?
ANAKIN: Absolutely.
MACE WiNDU: Then our worst fears have been realized. We must move quickly if the Jedi Order is to survive.
ANAKIN: Master, the Chancellor is very powerful. You will need my help if you are going to arrest him.
MACE WiNDU: For your own good, stay out of this affair. I sense a great deal of confusion in you, young Skywalker. There is much fear that clouds your judgment.
ANAKIN: I must go, Master.
MACE WiNDU: No. If what you told me is true, you will have gained my trust, but for now remain here.
ANAKIN: Yes, Master.
MACE WiNDU: Wait for us in the Council Chamber until we return.
ANAKIN: Yes, Master.
ANAKIN watches as the JEDI leave in their ship.
Т.е. изначально Винду шел все таки к Палпатину, как канцлеру. Только подозревая, что с ним что-то не так. Об аресте речи не шло. По отношению к ситху также не шло. Впрочем это не суть важно - об аресте разговор будет позднее.
PADME is alone in her apartment, thinking of Anakin. ANAKIN sits alone in the Jedi Council Chamber thinking of PADME.
PALPATINE: (V.O.) You do know, don't you, if the Jedi destroy me, any chance of saving her will be lost.
PADME: I truly, deeply love you. Before I die. I want you to know.
C-3PO: My Lady, are you. . . . Are you all right?
ANAKIN: I can't do this ... I can't let her die.
ANAKIN rushes out of the Council Chamber and to his speeder. The hangar door opens and he lifts off.
Это к вопросу о том, что во всем этом было нужно Анакину.
MACE arrives with THREE JEDI to arrest PALPATINE.
PALPATINE: Master Windu. I take it General Grievous has been destroyed then. I must say, you're here sooner than expected.
MACE WINDU: In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you are under arrest, Chancellor.
MACE WINDU and the other JEDI ignite their lightsabers.
PALPATINE: Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?
MACE: The Senate will decide your fate.
PALPATINE: (burst of anger) I am the Senate!
MACE: Not yet!
PALPATINE stands, a laser sword appears out of his cloak sleeve, and he spins toward the JEDI.
PALPATINE: It's treason, then.
Винду собирается сдать канцлера на милость Сената.
MACE WINDU: You are under arrest, My Lord.
PALPATINE: Anakin! I told you it would come to this. I was right. The Jedi are taking over.
MACE WlNDU: You old fool. The oppression of the Sith will never return. Your plot to regain control of the Republic is over . . . you have lost . . .
PALPATINE: No! No! You will die!
PALPATINE raises his hands, and lightning bolts shoot out. They are blocked by MACE's lightsaber. PALPATINE is pushed back against the window sill.
PALPATINE: He is a traitor, Anakin.
MACE WlNDU: He's the traitor. Stop him!
PALPATINE: Come to your senses, boy. The Jedi are in revolt. They will betray you, just as they betrayed me.
MACE WlNDU: Aarrrrggghhhhh . . .
PALPATINE: You are not one of them, Anakin. Don't let him kill me.
MACE WlNDU: Aarrrrggghhhhh . . .
PALPATINE: I am your pathway to power. I have the power to save the one you love. You must choose. You must stop him.
MACE WlNDU: Don't listen to him, Anakin.
PALPATINE: Help me! Don't let him kill me. I can't hold on any longer. Ahhhhhhh . . . ahhhhhhh . . . ahhhhhhh . . .
MACE pushes PALPATINE out to the edge of the ledge. As the Jedi moves closer, the bolts from Palpatine's hands begin to arch back on him. The Chancellor's face begins to twist and distort. His eyes become yellow as he struggles to intensify his powers.
PALPATINE: I can't ... I give up. Help me. I am weak ... I am too weak. Don't kill me. I give up. I'm dying. I can't hold on any longer.
MACE WlNDU: You Sith disease. I am going to end this once and for all.
ANAKIN: You can't kill him, Master. He must stand trial.
MACE WlNDU: He has too much control of the Senate and the Courts. He is too dangerous to be kept alive.
PALPATINE: I'm too weak. Don't kill me. Please.
ANAKIN: It is not the Jedi way . . .
MACE raises his sword to kill the CHANCELLOR.
ANAKIN: (continuing) He must live . . .
PALPATINE: Please don't, please don't . . .
ANAKIN: I need him . . .
PALPATINE: Please don't . . .
Just as MACE is about to slash PALPATINE, ANAKIN steps in and cuts off the Jedi's hand holding the lightsaber.
As MACE stares at ANAKIN in shock, PALPATINE springs to life.
The full force of Palpatine's powerful Bolts blasts MACE. He attempts to deflect them with his one good hand, but the force is too great. As blue rays engulf his body, he is flung out the window and falls twenty stories to his death. No more screams. No more moans. PALPATINE lowers his arm.
PALPATINE: Power! Unlimited power!
His face has changed into a horrible mask of evil. ANAKIN looks on in horror. PALPATINE cackles.
Соответственно решение об убийстве Винду принял только после демонстрации Палпатином своего настоящего обличья. Только после этого он назвал его ситхской заразой, но до этого называл только канцлером и т.п. Т.е. мой вывод следующий: Винду шел арестовывать канцлера по подозрению в его причастности к ситхам, после того, как его сущность стала очевидна, он принял решение его уничтожить. Судя по всему, джедаи имеют право на то, что бы судить любого подозреваемого в гражданском суде и в случае доказанной причастности к ситхам - уничтожить/лишить свободы преступника. Просто же убить любого подозреваемого джедаи не могут. В порядке самозащиты джедай вполне может убить ситха. Анакин похоже аппелирует именно к этому закону, т.к. Сидиус всячески подчеркивают свою слабость и молит о пощаде. Соответственно Винду формально прав, т.к. слабость эта притворная, Сидиус сдаваться не собирался, возражение же Анакину имело целью заставить его здраво оценить ситуацию, Анакин же - находился в состоянии аффекта.