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New Features
- GTR Reporter: Real time race results reporting.
With this new feature, GTR now generates Live data, at configurable intervals, of events in a multiplayer race. The data is saved to a local hard disk, and can optionally be dynamically uploaded to a web site at configurable intervals. Using this system, it is now possible to write web/ranking pages (in ASP/PHP etc) which dynamically detects live server activity, "picks up" the "Live" data, and generates web pages to form a ranking system based on the results from the sessions being run.
- AI driver improvements, with enhanced racing and overtaking abilities, as well as better pitstop efficiency.
- Extended AI aggression levels, including "Angry" and "Psychotic" settings, guaranteed to challenge the most skilled players.
- Weather improvements, including a more dynamic Changeable Weather option.
- Enhanced race results logging, providing improved data feeds from MultiPlayer races.
- Full keyboard layouts support for US/UK/German keyboards.
- Individualised Garage Adjustment Options for each car type.
- Enhanced strategy planning, with the option to make up to eight pitstops per race.
Multiplayer updates
- Improved voting system, with dedicated server quick vote buttons.
- Access to dedicated servers via the GTR Online lobby system.
- Access to Setups Online, a new game feature allowing you to share setups with other players.
- Improved Lobby and on-track chat usability
- Enhanced Lobby ergonomics, including color coded sessions and improved driver lists.
Car updates
- Ferrari 550 Wieth: Improved suspension system and cockpit design.
- BMW Z3M AI setup improvements for Magny-Cours.
Tracks updates
- Enhanced optimum race line for AI drivers at Barcelona and Anderstorp.
- Improved corner marker assistance at Brno.
- Several graphic enhancements at Anderstorp and Magny-Cours.
Misc Updates
- Improved Special Effects graphics
- Improved Pit stop menu