Фрагменты IRC- лога разговора с DBaldi
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* DBaldi has joined #rus
<DBaldi> well, all setups I have now are for enrurande, so they use 25% Grille Tape
[мы договаривались что он пришлет сетапы для GTP; enrurande - endurance? я не решился исправить, слишком большая разница - Lookeron]
<DBaldi> most are for Sauber
<DBaldi> I didn't use the other car after v1.1
<DBaldi> guys, make a team ! and race endurance in WOSEC league.
<DBaldi> A race per month
<inv> it would be great, but I'm just beginer
<DBaldi> I'm in Team Comet with some friends
<rm> I am sure there are some endurance fans which would love to
<DBaldi> no problem, there are all kind of teams
<DBaldi> aliens, fast, and beginers
<DBaldi> http://www.wosec.co.uk/sbrcphp/phpB...e899a0323e0ebe3
<DBaldi> this is the main page http://www.wosec.co.uk/WOSEC/frameset1.htm
<inv> wow, 24 players finished in SEBRING ?
<DBaldi> each team, 3 or 4 drivers
<DBaldi> you must change drivers 3 times in a 6 hours race
<DBaldi> now is just the summer beack
<DBaldi> so you have two months to think about it
<DBaldi> for Sebring 12hs there was 5 abligated changes
<DBaldi> but 6hs races just need 3 or 4
<DBaldi> there are teams for all aroung the world
<Lookeron> and what is a technics of change?
<DBaldi> do you have a russian league?
<inv> no
<rm> we don't have a server yet
<inv> GTP league - no
<inv> I try to setup server
<inv> but it hasn't been setuped yet
<DBaldi> well, all drivers use the same player and setup name, and the same car file name.
<DBaldi> each team have a room on a server to talk with mic and speaker.
<DBaldi> driver who not race at that moment can see the race by NRTV
<DBaldi> when the driver must to leave the car, the new driver must to be ready in the multiplayer screen
<DBaldi> so, the driver in the car go into the pits and when he stops the car he must to kill NR2003 game
<inv> kill ?
<inv> just qiut ?
<rm> inv, with task manager...
<DBaldi> no no, kill it, not leave it.
<rm> TBRacing has 33 ppl at daytona-night
<DBaldi> because if you use RETIRE, you really retire
<Lookeron> so its same like ppl invented here too
<DBaldi> this is a trick to confuse NR2003
<DBaldi> hehe
<DBaldi> new driver connect with the same name car setup and NR2003 don't know it
<inv> but unfortunatly most of our racers using dialup and modem
<rm> maybe like 50/50 already
<Lookeron> aren't our pings too big?
<DBaldi> you can race with dial up
<DBaldi> some guys do it right now
<DBaldi> server is at UK
<DBaldi> there are drivers from south america like me, from US, from Australia, Europe
<DBaldi> you look fast guys
<rm> but how do you set a race to go for 24 hours
<DBaldi> you shold be fighting for 5th place with us
<rm> or it is possible to set more than 100% in race setup screen?
<DBaldi> yes, it is possible
<DBaldi> changing track.ini
<DBaldi> admin use to make a new track.ini for each race
<DBaldi> and ! weather is actual weather
<rm> perhaps there's a lot of frustration
<DBaldi> why?
<rm> when a teammate crashes into a wall on 5th hour
<inv> here are some replays http://www.wosec.co.uk/WOSEC/REPLAYS.htm
<DBaldi> yes hehehe
<DBaldi> but beleave me.....when you see you car by NRTV......you really feel that THESE IS YOU CAR
<rm> I am not an endurance driver perhaps,
<rm> but I believe you will get at least one team from among us...
<inv> hard sync process. its interesting, maybe its easy to write a program which 'd kill gtp and inform other player to connect
<Lookeron> inv, we can test the technics with roger wilko program, sinchronising should be easy with it
<DBaldi> ohh Roger Wilco is too old.
<DBaldi> Team Speak or Ventrilo are a lot better, and use less BW !
<DBaldi> the voice quality with TS or Vetrilo is amazing
<DBaldi> i use all of these programs
<inv> what is NRTV ? I want to see it
<DBaldi> it' s a program to see the race like in TV
<DBaldi> you wach a map of the track from the sky
<DBaldi> you can see all cars at the time
<DBaldi> I'll send you a mail with setups, then you could ask me what you want
<DBaldi> there are about 20 teams now
<DBaldi> for Le Mans we could be more than 30 !
<DBaldi> the only thing you can't do with dial up, is download the replay....because is too big
<inv> DBaldi, is it possible to watch some replays from NRTV ?
<inv> I wanted to see online races by it
<Lookeron> inv, i suppose it must have a server application to show the race
<inv> http://www.nrtvlive.com/
<DBaldi> INV, you can't load replays on NRTV
<inv> does it work only during WESEC races ?
<DBaldi> yes
<DBaldi> but, other servers could be hosting
<DBaldi> the list is loooooong
<DBaldi> latest version is 2.0
<DBaldi> In resume you need:
<DBaldi> NRTV
<DBaldi> Ventrilo
<DBaldi> GTP v1.1 and nothing more
<DBaldi> you can race with no-cd patch
<DBaldi> races are saturdays morning
<DBaldi> 12:30 hs UK
<DBaldi> 7:30 here
[видимо в Америке - Lookeron]
<rm> NRTV, Ventrilo, GTP, and a deck of internet-cards DD
<inv> y, I wrote CORV projram, its a vroc, but its smaller and isn't loaded from internet
<DBaldi> great !
<DBaldi> I work on a ISP but I don't programe anything
<DBaldi> give me a minute, I'll take a screen of NRTV working
<inv> DBaldi, how long is timeout to reconnect ?
<DBaldi> mmmm few seconds
<DBaldi> it's the same for all players
<DBaldi> teams I mean
<rm> inv "receive throughput fell to unacceptable level"... "connected."
<inv> I think that'd happen if modem user broke connection
<rm> it's like you lost the connection and reconnected...
<DBaldi> exactly
<inv> I still think that its hard to reconnect in few seconds. for modem users
<DBaldi> actualy, when we stop the car into the pits, we use RESET button
<inv> in a five seconds for example
<DBaldi> hey, WOSEC don't use VROC, use just direct IP connection
<DBaldi> that's bette and faster
<DBaldi> but sure...it takes a while to load the track etc etc
<DBaldi> guys with faster computers take a little advantaje
<rm> inv, so the other player must be already in the multiplayer join screen
<rm> when the first one quits
<inv> I speak about. that modem guys can lose connection
<inv> It happens sometimes
<rm> and what exactly endurance has to do with this?
<inv> its not a problem to lose a minute
<inv> but is it a problem to end the race ?
<Lookeron> yes they can lose about 2 laps
<DBaldi> if you lose connection you can reconnect, but you (the team) lose all that time
<rm> I think I will go to sleep
<inv> ok, so is timeout to reconnect = infinity ?
<DBaldi> yes i think it is INV
<rm> inv, you can reconnect after 20 minutes
<rm> or after hour
<rm> you just lose lots of laps
<DBaldi> you lose nothing trying
<DBaldi> it's funy and you don't need to go like a crazy
<DBaldi> you need strategy
<DBaldi> NRTV screenshoot http://iguana.*****.info/gtp/NRTV.JPG
<inv> wow, nice picture
<DBaldi> that's an oval race
<inv> I want to look at race by NRTV, is it public or only for players ?
<DBaldi> WOSEC race just Road Corse tracks
<DBaldi> public
<DBaldi> well guys, nice to meet you all